Colts Neck Little League Baseball

Let’s take our minds away from the cold weather, and let’s start thinking about Spring and BASEBALL!   We are excited to announce that 2025 Colts Neck Baseball Registration is NOW OPEN!   


Please take advantage of "Early Bird" Registration ($195) from today through February 7th. 


"Regular" Registration ($225) will run February 8th through February 28th.


"Late" Registration ($275) will apply starting March 1st. 


We have simplified the registration fee process this year by removing the administrative burden of also charging a “volunteer fee” of $100 per family.  So, there are no additional fees this year other than the registration fee. 


We encourage you to register early, so that we can plan for uniform orders and other details.  Discounts to registration apply for Military families, as well as families who are registering 3 or more children (across both Baseball and Softball). 


Please record your willingness to coach as you register your child.  Last year, we had strong coach participation, so let’s continue that trend in 2025!  There are also plenty of other volunteer opportunities, including field maintenance, coordinating umpires, scheduling, safety office, etc.  So please contact us if you’d like to help out.


Our official Opening Day will be Saturday, April 5th (Season generally runs first weekend in April to 3rd weekend in June, with playoff games played in June).  Teams will be chosen via a draft to ensure competitive balance.    


Registration is open for children born August 2021 or earlier, up to September 2009.  Our youngest division – 4- and 5-year-olds – will be a Tee Ball division.  We will also have Coach Pitch and Kid Pitch divisions, based on age level.  Specific age groupings and divisions will be determined based on registration numbers.  Older children, 13, 14, 15, and 16 year olds, may be directed to a surrounding Little League if Colts Neck cannot field an entire team.  


For your reference, please find the Little League Age Chart here:


This year, we will again offer 11- and 12-year-olds the opportunity to play 46/60 dimensions in collaboration with Tinton Falls Little League.  Depending on demand, we may also offer 11–12- year-olds the opportunity to play 50/70 dimensions in collaboration with Freehold Twp Little League.


Note that Baseball Games should NOT interfere with playing Flag Football Games.  For the past two years, we were able to schedule so that children were able to do both.  Weekday practice schedules are TBD based on availability of coaches, fields, and time slots. 


Depending on levels of interest, we intend to have All-Star Teams to compete in our Little League District tournaments.  Please note that a child must attend 60% of Colts Neck Little League (Rec) games to qualify to be selected for District All-Star teams.  This is a Little League District rule that our neighboring Little League towns must also follow.     


Baseball Registration Link:


Participation has been very strong the past few years, so let's keep up the momentum for 2025!  We are also working on a few new enhancements to the baseball experience this year, which we hope to announce in the coming weeks. 


If you have any questions regarding Colts Neck baseball, please do not hesitate to reach out to; or   


We look forward to a fun baseball season this Spring! 




Andrew Umans and Jon Fabozzi

Colts Neck Little League Presidents

Register Today!

Colts Neck Little League Baseball

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