All games will be played on Sundays between 8-11 am at 5 Points Park grass field.
9/10 Male
11/12 Male
9/10 Female
11/12 Female
You can play up but you can NOT play down.
All Teams are created via an online draft!
NO, you can not enter your own team.
Hence the word DRAFT!
Draft Date: 3/8
6v6 format (Max 10 roster)
Max 6 teams in each division
Professional Referees
Two 25 min halves
Season starts 3/17
Playoffs 4/28
Superbowl 5/5
Early Bird $125.00 (Includes Flags and Jerseys)
No Line, No Contact
If you choose to be a team captain, you will need to make sure you are available for the draft. Captains are picked in order of registration and chosen by the commissioners.